HI, I’M DR. Rania ElKhateeb

I welcome all my friends and new followers who joined us. I would like to introduce myself my name is Rania Elkhateeb . Iam an Egyptian, I was raised in Sultant of Oman until I finished my high school studies and after I was done with my master’s degree in Egypt , I returned back to Oman and worked there for 5 years before settling in Britain.
I studied my medicine degree in my beloved country Egypt and chose my path to start my specialization in emergency medicine in 2008.
In the meantime I am an emergency doctor and I took my studies more serious and attained my master’s degree & membership from the Brtish Royal College of Emergency Medicine.
I always follow my passion and intuition thats why I chose emergency medicine as my specialization.
I always enjoy studying & working in ER field despite the difficulty of my specialty and frustrations that I face in terms of long working hours, the nature of emergency medicine and many stresses during the working hours shifts, studying and exams that any doctor must pass through for continuous self-development to obtain the up to date studies to improve knowledge and medical practice.
During my journey in the medical field, there were moments when I felt anxious, stressed and even sometimes I thought I would leave my passion and waste years of effort and hard work just to get back my inner peace and restore balance to my life.
Year 2015 was a life turning point. I decided to find a solution to have a balanced life while I continue my passion. After alot of searching and praying to God for guidance .I found that there are many solutions that can help me.
I read & studied several materials & sources and attended about healing with energy, self development, coaching and much more of similar sciences. I had many people around me who were doubting about these sciences & its effectiveness.
But only during two years of practice and daily application to myself through energy healing sessions, meditation which helped me changing my mental patterns. A major change in my life has occurred and it was noticeable to everyone around me. Friends, family and colleagues asked for my help to discover this incredible science of healing.
I felt it was a message from the divine that I have to start helping other people. I once needed this type of help & guidance to get out of the stress circle to develop my life to have balanced and stable life as well as changing my reality.
I decided in 2017 to start social media accounts as a platform to publish information about self development, healing, and spiritual advancement.
Since that time I have written many articles in various fields and published many of my healing sessions for free. These sessions and information have reached a lot of people and there have been big changes in their lives.
Now my goal is to teach & help others to heal & change. I can relate that the healing and medicine are sciences that complement each other.
The change can happen to anyone at anytime or any place, you need to insist, be determined & in yourself. In life you need to learn to develop and grow spiritually.
From my personal experience and the ones of my clients and followers, that healing is a journey that can be tiring at first, but its outcome is worthy to come out of the circle of pain and suffering to joy, inner peace, spiritual elevation by spreading these sciences that are valuable & of worthy to be known worldwide.


I will present to you an overview of the most important certificates that I studied and which contributed directly to my personal & spiritual growth:
– MBBch, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt,
– Master degree in Emergency medicine
– Membership Royal Emergency Medicine
– Grand Master Reiki from Level 5-20.
– Reiki Master
– Karuna Reiki Master
– Crystal Reiki Master
– Money Reiki Grand Master
– 4-level bioenergy master
– Fung Shui from different schools.
– dowsing
– Energy EFT
– Life Coaching
– Family counseling
– Tarot .
– Reflexology.
– Graphology.
– Healing with the five elements and the Ayurvedic system.


Take a look at my certificates

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